

Founded by Darryl Dean in 1987, this store has been Toledo’s number one place to shop for board games, role-playing games, miniature games, and comic books. We carry a large selection of comics, single issues, trades, old, new, Marvel, DC, and various other publishers, including Dark Horse, Image, Skybound, and IDW, to name a few. As for tabletop games, we carry Games Workshop,  Board Games, Dust 1947, Heroclix, Malifaux, D and D, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Infinity, Privateer Press, Battletech, Star Wars.

Customers are welcome to visit our 13,000 square foot store located at 3001 W. Sylvania Avenue in Toledo, OH and demo some of the games available. The staff will be more than happy to assist you in any way! Regular customers often come in on their off time just to hang out and play games with friends. In case you’re wondering, no, we don’t charge you to hang out!

If you have any gaming products, notably miniatures and Magic The Gathering, we do accept them for store credit and cash, but the exchange rate is higher for store credit. If interested, please call ahead and ask for Darryl, as he handles all of the trading.

*Please note that outside beverages are not permitted (but food is); drinks are provided within.

*We do not sell video games. Sorry!


Contact Us
Website: 419-475-4790
Store: 419-475-3775

Location - US
3001 W. Sylvania , Toledo, OH 43613
View the map

Store Hours - Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Sunday 11am-7pm Monday 11am -9pm Tuesday 11am-7pm Wed 11am- 9pm Thurs 11am - 9pm Fri 11am- 11pm Sat 11am-11pm